Chemical Free Household

An all inclusive list of all of our household cleaners I have made and use daily!

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Hormone Disruptors

Hormone disruptors are scary and overwhelming. This is a quick guide to what they are!

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Embracing the Incredible

First things first, and really the whole point of this post: our bodies are SO much more than the image we assign them.

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Summer Reading List

And by reading list, I mean audiobooks...

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Our Birth Story

I wrote the following entry within a week of giving birth. I never wanted to forget these details.

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DIY Detox Bath

We do a weekly detox bath for Monty and see a difference in any dark circles under his eyes by the next day. This recipe couldn't be any easier!

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Life PM (pre motherhood)

How'd I get here? The skeptical mom who questions everything - explained.

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